121 Journeys



Below you will find 4 options for working together 121, please take your time to explore each and feel into which one is going to support you and which one feels most aligned.
Bespoke Payment Plans are available on all 4 121 Journeys. If you have any questions or would like to have a chat to support you to decide which Journey is most supportive for you, please email info@jasmin-chew.co.uk or book a free connection call through the link below.
Online, in person + hybrid options available.

Embodiment bundles

5 + 10 session embodiment journeys, perfect for the woman who wants to feel more resourced + connected to her body + wishes to explore Her Inner Child + Inner Teen.

121 rebirthing Breathwork + Embodiment Bundles

5 + 10 session rebirthing breathwork + embodiment journeys perfect for the woman who is wanting to clear trauma from the body, who is ready to rewrite old stories, narratives and patterns, all whilst tending to and resourcing the body.

The Way of the Rose 121 Journey

A gorgeous 6 week Journey with Rose Medicine, a Journey in service to the Woman who is ready to meet Life from a softer more receptive space, for the Woman ready to connect deeply with the true pace of Her body.

The rooted woman mentorship

Coming SOON! 9 + 12 month mentoring Journeys, the deepest dive option for working together, perfect for the Woman who is on the cusp of a big chapter and change in life + is looking for consistent support and guidance as Life transforms.

Unsure of which pathway is best for you?

If you would like more information or to have a chat about which pathway will be best for you, please book a call below.


get to know your facilitator

Jasmin Chew

Medicine Woman, Alchemist, Wisdom Keeper.

Women’s Mentor, Leader, Guide.

Activation, Transformation, Liberation & Devotion at the heart of Jasmins’ work.

Jasmin supports Women walking the path of Embodied Remembrance.

Jasmin walks beside you as you Journey to meet the very Depths of your Soul, the deep yearning of Life, Truth & Transformation.

Jasmin holds a tender yet powerful space as she guides you to meet the deepest aspects of your Being, she holds you as you bring lost parts of yourself into conscious awareness to be remembered, alchemized & integrated into the fullness of You.