about Jasmin + What we do here:
Medicine Woman, Alchemist, Wisdom Keeper.
Women’s Mentor, Leader, Guide.
Activation, Transformation, Liberation & Devotion to Truth is at the heart of Jasmins’ work.
Jasmin guides Women to reawaken + remember the Power of their body + the potential, transformation + magick that awakens within Women when they feel safe in their bodies.,
Jasmin walks alongside Women Journeying through cycles of Death & Rebirth,
Women ready to step into their fullest expression and open the channels of creation + connection within their body whilst remembering their infinite power,
Jasmin guides Women seeking Liberation from story, from belief, from patterns.
Jasmin walks beside you as you Journey to meet the Feminine; an energetic frequency that calls to the very Depths of your Soul, a deep yearning that awakens in the wombs of all Women who are ready to receive Life, Truth & Transformation.
Jasmin holds a powerful space rooted in unconditional love as she guides you to meet the deepest aspects of your Being, she holds you as you reconnect + remember lost parts of yourself into conscious awareness to be remembered, alchemized & integrated into the fullness of You.
Jasmin supports you to awaken your inner magick & medicine as you shift through the layers of conditioning and story that has kept it hidden from view. She is a firm believer that all you are seeking is already within, it is just out of sight until the work to unravel and come into remembrance begins to awaken you to it once more.
Jasmin weaves her Medicine through the slow pulse of what is true for you & with the energetics of your body, your nervous system. She supports you to awaken your own inner knowing & inner wisdom, bringing you back over and over again to the power within as you firmly root yourself in your centre.
Jasmin work invites you to allow life to lead where the work wants to take you, through being fully present to what is, taking full responsibility of your life and alchemizing what is calling your attention to be transformed & leading yourself from that space. Your Medicine is in the present moment once you open yourself fully to it.
Jasmin holds the Mother energy and holds this frequency throughout her work, it’s loving and tender, firm and rooted in Truth, it pierces through illusion and creates clarity on a Soul Level.
Jasmin uses a unique combination of tools to guide you through the process of working together these (can) include plant medicine, embodiment & somatic, nervous system work, shadow work, inner child, rebirthing breath work, energy work amongst other healing modalities.
our mission:
Our Mission here is to awaken Women to the potential + power they hold within their bodies, their lives + the choices that are available to them when they are no longer living life from a space of fear, disconnect + lack of safety within the body.
Our Mission here is to create spaces for Women to remember just how much is available to them when they step away from the patterns + beliefs systems that have kept you feeling small, trapped + as if there is no way out.
Our mission is to walk beside you as you transmute your Pain into your Power, as you lead yourself into a Life that feels joyful, connected, true + awakened.
Pillars + Values At Jasmin Chew:
Rebirthing Breathwork Facilitator
Feminine Embodiment Mentoring Facilitator
Cosmic Feminine Embodiment Facilitator
Integrative Somatic Parts Work
Somatic Attachment Therapy (in training)
Shamanic Practitioner Apprenticeship (ongoing since May 2021)
13th Rite of the Munay Ki Womb Blessing Rites
Embodied Movement Facilitator
Embodied Trauma Training
Reiki Level 2
Sound Healing Level 1
Yoga Teacher (multiple disciplines)
Holistic Massage Therapist L3 Diploma