Immersions + Retreats


Various dates (Derbyshire)


A body of work in Service to the Life that is calling you forward, beyond the identities of the mind, the ego, that society has placed upon you.

Beyond the beliefs around your capabilites

Beyond the narratives you have held about yourself

Beyond the stories you tell yourself

And others have placed upon you.

Beyond it all.

IMMERSE is a space for you to begin the process of Alchemy, an invitation to give back to the flames all that has been keeping you feeling trapped, unable to move forward, abandon your dreams, believe that your desires for your life are too much, or its too late for you, it is a space to explore your beliefs around yourself, your beliefs in your abilities, your worthiness.
All of these pieces are blocking you from the relationship, the connections, the job, the adventure, the dream, the life you are calling in.

Women stepping into their Power + Sovereignty is the necessary change we require at this time so that Women feel empowered enough to step up and choose a different way of Being + Living that is in deeper service to the Self, in Relationships, within Family Systems + the Collective.

And it all starts with the willingness to devote ourselves to the deeper thing that is calling to you.

What is that deeper niggle and nudge that keeps calling to you?

What is getting in your way?

Please note these are Women Only spaces.


Way of the Rose

A 6 Week Online Group Journey with Rose Medicine
We begin the 2nd June

This is for the Woman who is ready to slow all the way down to meet the subtle realms and wisdom of Her Body.

For the Woman who is feeling deeply called to connect to the Wisdom + Healing properties of Rose

Who is ready to Trust in the timing of Her own Blooming

Who is searching for a grounded approach to shifting out of survival and into a more thriving way of being,

Who is ready to feel nourished on all levels,

Who is tried of walking through Life with Her jaw clenched + braced for impact,

Who is ready to release control and trust in the natural unfolding of Life,

And trust in your body,

This Journey with Rose is the quiet whisper Home to your body.

Space Holding Immersion

In Person, 19 + 20th October

Welcome to the Art of Holding & Witnessing the Transformation of others.

If you are a Yoga Teacher, Coach, Guide, this space is for you.

Being witness to another, holding space as someone awakens, comes home to themselves & transforms their lives is a deeply humbling and honouring seat to be in.

Being a strong space holder is about creating a space for all to move through, its the art of not shutting down someones experience, not trying to rescue someone and hold the line between your responsibility and the students or clients responsibility, this is how powerful transformations comes about for those who journey within your containers.

Each of us holds an energetic frequency that draws people towards our work + yet it can sometimes feel like you can’t see or access what that is, or there is a yearning to sink even deeper into this frequency.

This journey is here to support you in the process of unearthing that unique Medicine so that you can anchor it in more potently into the spaces you hold.

Join Jasmin who has held space for 500+ people through powerful + transformative spaces, as she guides you deeper into your own essence to support you rooting into and opening into the Magick of your own space holding powers.

This Journey is a grounded, embodied, no fluff activation of your space holding blueprint along with practical tips of holding transformative spaces for those who join you.


Wise Body Day Retreat

Autumn Date will be released soon.

(Scropton, Derbyshire)

Wise Body is your Journey of unraveling
Unraveling your stories
Unraveling your conditions
Unraveling the patterns that have kept you believing you were anything but powerful, wise + a force of nature.


Embodied Explorations
Rebirthing Breathwork and Sound Journey
Shamanic Womb Journeying
Deep Rest Practices
Nervous System Support
Voice Awakening
Cacao and Mugwort Medicine
Fire Ceremony (weather permitting, alternative activity will be planned if rained off).

Please note this a Women Only Retreat.

Check back soon for Autumn dates.

Get to know your Facilitator

Jasmin Chew

Medicine Woman, Alchemist, Wisdom Keeper.

Women’s Mentor, Leader, Guide.

Activation, Transformation, Liberation & Devotion at the heart of Jasmins’ work.

Jasmin supports Women walking the path of Embodied Remembrance.

Jasmin walks beside you as you Journey to meet the very Depths of your Soul, the deep yearning of Life, Truth & Transformation.

Jasmin holds a tender yet powerful space as she guides you to meet the deepest aspects of your Being, she holds you as you bring lost parts of yourself into conscious awareness to be remembered, alchemized & integrated into the fullness of You.

connect on instagram